Samsung has officially unveiled the new Galaxy Note 8 smartphone which features a 6.3-inch “Infinity” display screen, advanced dual camera and wireless charging (move over iPhone 8). It also comes with a multi-purpose S-Pen stylus which can even be used whilst the phone’s screen is off, so say goodbye to pen and paper for scribbling down your food shop.
This release comes after the brand recalled its Note 7 phone last year which set it back billions. They plan on making those billions back, however, through charging you a mere £869 for the Note 8- but they are kind enough to offer free delivery on your order. This innovative device comes with water and dust resistance, Samsung’s Bixby voice assistant and 64GB of standard storage. It is undoubtedly Apple’s leading component as Samsung raise the bar on the future’s smartphones, with the anticipated release of Apple’s iPhone 8.
Available in two colours, “Midnight Black’ and “Orchid Grey” you can pre-order the phone from August 24 but will be available to the lucky few who can afford it as of September 15.