It’s official, J. Cole is finally making a comeback! As you may know, Cole only takes to social media to make absolutely necessary announcements and yesterday, as it’s been so long he tweeted, “Is this thing on”. Following this, we got the announcement we’ve been waiting for for so long. Not only do we have an album title, but also a cover and release date- it’s not long that we have to wait either:

A couple of weeks ago, Dreamville musician Bas took to Instagram to tease a release date and album cover, uploading it with an image of Cole in the studio. This will be Cole’s sixth studio solo album, following on from his LP, KOD, in 2018 and he’s been under the radar since. 

Last December he posted an image on Instagram of what fans believe to be a list of his unreleased ablums and work. For instance, “Features” is crossed out which likely refers to the tracks his partnered on. Also crossed out is his Dreamville ablum Revenge of the Dreamers III, which dropped last year. Does this mean Cole only aspires to release two more albums after The Off-Season?
