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Beauty bloggers have taken Youtube by a storm, playing a key role for makeup and beauty brands to advertise their products directly to an audience. From product reviews to hauls, viewers stay engaged, but there’s always that one question that slips through the mind: Will that look product good on me?

Thanks to AR, Google has created a way for viewers to virtually try on makeup while watching the tutorials and reviews. MAC Cosmetics were the first to launch the AR Beauty try on, through their lipstick campaign where viewers could try on the different lip shades on the bottom of the split screen.

As you can imagine, this largely benefits the beauty brands that implement the AR try-on considering viewers will pay more attention to the products. It was recorded by Google that 30% of users that activated the AR experience in the YouTube iOS app spent on average 80 seconds trying on the virtual lipstick. We’re looking forward to see what other AR and interactive media develops within YouTube.

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